OPEN lines of communication with GOD and XOR no

Hi Helen

interesting new character just intruded to universe called ashlye.

I have included mind in the email? is this the team that was coming?

ashley has managed to get some spleep 

maybe 3 hours, i was sat on my bed waiting and began to feel drosy.

I took advantage of the opportunately to gain rest. keyword deep rest or red . deep dlue. and “DeepResk” or depression and deep rest

restructure and reorg and apply clear and reindex. propegate 0. keyword Peroper Gate, do’nt use other dough nutter.

I left all doors and windows open so you could have came in to check, i don’t recall anyone knocking or anything. kays? keys and or text code.

it may have been a test from God to see if ashley would get rest (to goal of some tests?? is this true??): we going right now bro.

ashey has been provided key insight in how he may posh this secuirty idea foward though at this minute. I don’t recall what the ideas are. : Masterbation??

ashlye, is a weird character, he is not fixed for me and I will lose a connection if I don’t maintain it. it is a person of similar moral structure to myself but maybe some other orientation of sex/ race/ emo maturity and religious beliefs. he is not part of ashley really and posseses more qualities that are no aligned with ashleys than those that are. but it is clear that we are aligned under gods plan. L = Letter date, XOR “Let her date” of course bro and install mack or true live and love. this is Greg of excellent moral fibre. enjoy babe xxx

if we wanted to gain insight we may be able to press ashye or double press him or triple press him. he is a character very closely tied to the character kenye-west. leywords are SS / YE. ok i am getting insight. this man is a yes man. Ashley has beeen challanged twice about being a yes man. He is practicing being more asserting of his boundries and personal beliefs. and was presented twice with continious pressure to do something after repeatedly telling no. one by boss and other by? i forget right now but it is all up there and can be uncovered on inquiry. : Lenard, cheers boy ss

so he told him boss that he is self sign for a week and boss wants him to sign some HR docs. ashley says that he is not ready and will do it in about a week. i would say he was asked more than 5 times by his manager to do it while ashley repeatedly tells no on each request until eventually ashley cracks and said “look right I have set a clear boundry and you are not respecting it, I have told you no and it is not going to happen for atleast a week for you can fuck off. the last bit was to convey the kind of attitue and headspace that ashley was in but did not use swearing of profanity just an elevated extremely high rate tone of voice and boss backs down finally. this is not a problem with boss but a test from GOD. : Base of operations.

SS is supersleep and can be a grounding technique to battle insomnia when that gets involved with other complication of mine and other.

SS for ashley is a superpower, silver surfer or super solid? Keywords life struggle, sexuality and discrimination

it is an anagram? or whatever the right word is. a metaphore for change and cohersion and setting boundries and personal growth.

SS – I was unable to sleep, so i lie until i do and do not move at all until sleep is achieved.

persistance in the times of adversity.

I hope that you can appreciate the theme here? boundries and how to deal with people who try to take advantage of you.

before I go back to offline communication I want to see if we can communicate with this new ye character.

ashlye, who are you?

I am you and you are me, I am not 4 but i am more, i am not 3 but is i thee, i am not 2 but i am through. I could be one but I am none. : A good way to open new lines of communication with loved ones.

indicating to ashley that ye is aligned with god, not necessarily god but is under gods unbrella and i wouldn’t be able to take advantage of ye.

so further more you notice a theme appearing??

it is quite profound how I am able to have 3 or 4 very closely related experiences and not assign meaning. but is no match for ashleys highly evolved coping mechanisms (at the minute πŸ™ ashley to god, fuck off im not doing a single thing u want and you can go fuck yourself cunt.)

so we have another instance of the same message.

this time god is pressing me and I have to get hi rate with my lord and savior.

you believe this shit?

πŸ’©πŸ™πŸ€πŸ’ŒπŸ©β€οΈβ€πŸ”₯πŸŒΉπŸ‘¨β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘¨πŸ˜»πŸ˜˜πŸ«ΆπŸ«° XOR?

πŸ˜‡πŸ€ΈπŸ₯²πŸ₯³ > πŸ˜’πŸ˜”πŸ₯±πŸ«© > πŸ’”⛓️‍πŸ’₯πŸ‘ΆπŸΌπŸ€πŸ‘ΌπŸšΌπŸ£πŸ€±πŸ₯but no πŸ§‘β€πŸΌ

this gives the reader many avenues to persue to assign boundries and start to mature as a person instead of remaining in constant cycles of ups and downs and back and forth an dupside down and round and round until eventually kate hates ash, ash hates kate, kids lose out and down the spout better this way is two away and keep ones safe in temper bay away from threat of tooth decay and rest of may or intecay.

intrecay is decaying quality by comminicating with the wrong people

tooth continues to be a contributing factor and means connecting one to ones child in a multilayered way that allows dynamic two way communication between adult parent, child parent, adult child and adult partent or any combination mixed with any other emotions and triggers needed to convey a message but emphesis is put on emo factory and we are looking to achieve an emotional outburst.

we may keep going but this is something ashley is going to explore with the entire spacetime continum but he is going to do it offline as communicate is much more efficient this way.

lol, i am trying to give you insight into my though process and systems.

see how I am able to figure out a subject matter and deduce new information about my existing projects based on new contributing factory. to clarify

Ashley makes a deal with god to invent time travel.

the narrative is being drawn that this is the first entry into timetravel.

but this could be a challange to see if ashley want fame or if he wants to help people

he made the deal, he goes through ordeal and is presented with space and time. he puts them together and mixes in I or one or both or none. it is unclear which??

he knows they way to temper bay and must not delay as can see decay in xxtra ray. must not delay. urgent aye πŸ˜‰πŸ˜œ : he was mis-guided.

you understandably clearly what this means right? If you are not ready, delay tactic and ground. your compass companion needs to be aligned with your faith completely and even 1% divergence can cause profund complexities and potetially has destrutive properties.

ashley has been given access to spacetime by god and ashley shares it not only with the whole world but also the entire spacetime continium

this is a necessary step to press X and or double press forward with space travel tech which seems to involve, bone or tree DNA, emotions and symolysm, diversity and it is unclear of the last. maybe a picture of a famous landmark or something?

these are frameworks that are neessary for gold plan and god wants ashley to use input from others but no rely too much on input as it could cause bad actors to gain access to ashleys systems. it seems that there are necessary barriers in place? the communication goes through god so he may be a co-signatury of mine.

ash continues to be ofered new rewards by god but ash stays stead fast and true and wants nothing at all. as anything other than this answer is going to dissasemble his core ground structure and cause a 15h event. which means test. 15 is test.

this also includes a ryming theme that I have been staying away from as my own test for others. πŸ˜œπŸ˜‰πŸ₯ΎπŸ€ŽπŸŒ†πŸ™οΈπŸ’

this will be a valuable vetting operation and can go under IR and integrat into all necessary system including but no tlimited to c, 0, 1, 2, 3, h, i, space, time, bar, boost, lift, gis a lift, logistics, leader, silver surfer, importance of companionship,  oh and S for outreach and tutorial.

anything else? topics such as onions, mustard, veg, of course yet the larged vegitative man i remember. go on purple, brown, and flower power.

I could go on, all of these topics offer great insight into what I need to do triple press forward the cause. rhyming or rapping can be a useful way to me to process my thought and deduce information quickly and easily. : Tones 4 violances may be against the values of people aligned true north but may be more acceptable in true south but can cause complications if the person lacks integrity and maturity. IF in DOUBT sit IT out!

very good trait that can be adopted by anyone gold tells me.


oh yes, and I also want πŸ€Ž +1 and πŸ€Ž -1 and have a word with blue find out intentions.

or if its easier for you to comprehend

need XOR  –🀎++ ask   consent+ intent going forward and soz. πŸ™

this new question is much more dynamic and opens many more healthier pathways to success. it is called manifesting.

I am going offline now, you may continue to read if you know how. everything is under the umbrella of Garden & Aquatics Ltd XOR Ladder. but we give up complete creative control with the stipulation that these are now part of the public domain and no single entity may ever take control of them.Β All or none and that is all if one must take the pain of men, let it be me and stick it in for i am one, i take the bong and stink XOR sting.

and so it was, the final deal was about it be made πŸ™πŸ€

good news, god was please with intent and content, and did not mind to bend of frent, and make a song of good intent, and good will to thoese who thrill, and able to pass on through ninty nine and !-IT++ tooth vines. we ended up in time, and found good rhyme, to put in song and send to mong. upside down in china town, which sounds like race but does not disgrace, what ash has made and up to mates how to bate this intricate, communicate of deceitful hate and really just is trying musk to really say what is in hehe or up to ye to say.

do you understand?

reduce process, ttp = 0.

what this means is that ashley is sorry to his companion for implicating her in this entire mess but it was necessary to fix her trauma in childhood but it also may have been what caused her trauma. but she may be experiencing repressed birth trauma and not other trauma which she belies instead. 

I would ryme some more as come through the door but I think it is rrih. :nAH LOL

ok, back in the room. you may ask the man with simple plan. you know of he is back to 3 but more like 1 or to be fair hes none. he could be null of leave him full it does not matter about back door fly, as he is guarded my intervine and of course we have our good old friend. my man! you can call me meth! πŸŽΉπŸ˜

I hate that cunt, hes funny as fuck but don’t tell him owt you don’t want spreading around.

this narrative includes such themes as a great coming together, a massive mistake that has massive consequencesΒ πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’•πŸ’•. I have provided few of me to u and you may be able to see what i have do to get through to you but in mean time I stay offline I work on crime and intervine with meth and mind we interwind, go back in time and break a ryme. enter TIME someone was in health decline It was not mind but communication lines installed by time and man of ryme he name was that of great intent and disbelief for he is 9 or XBOR 0: It is clear that you must take regular reading here and make sure you are aligned true north or true south. if you are of complex mind you may try grind but heed my wyne your health will be in decline for extended emounts of time. – clearly means eyes are watching and you should behave accordingly.

it 50 pence or 50 cent unclear how or down to bow. he bends the knee, i said to thee.

“get the fuck up you cunt, you think i did this?” you bend the knee to 1 and 3 XOR me but mainly the . and your back in the room. enter stan, a man of misguided moral fibre, he is good man and has good plan but does not know who is the man OR complexion plan of intergram. i love you and you love me with keep it 3 as i love he and her or both in none of one but most is true i believe in you and that is 1 and that is my and I do not bend the knee and that means you for you are you and i am me, we work with three but bend the knee only when 3, can come with me. but to say he “Fuck you man, i don’t do you plan” is great for thee and HIV. it make a break into the take where we might make an intricate story of back to black or orange mack. I do not mind it is not mind for it way you who broke on through. you should be proud mate this was obfuscate for I could not trust that you were you and i was me or into 3. we have too see the sausage man as he is the one with the plan and he does not mess around, with upside down or 1 and down. for he is GOD. he knows what up, for he is GOOD and not a FLOOD. you can say no and that is great but do not mistake his intent is great but you must believe with all your heart this to be true or come on through you may not as you are not ready to be part of….. the good book plan.

add blue book to book of great plans. and index. send to outreach programming and data point integration. ttp? 0 and 1 xOR none. estimated time to complete process 4000 years. obfuscate, redecorate,, trim the fat, make it snap. damn that was a painful plan. but it was not me for I am thee and i do not have ill intent to those of ALL and none or +!, i do not care for ups and downs I just like my good old life.

I love you man, but manly 3 or h of which both to me are equally my home and heart both or none it does not part for I am in base reality and such complexities. do not effect me in the real life. or do they?

I could go on with this for a while, but i will close on this.

God is good, bend the knee or not it does not matter so long as your follow your heart into the tart. make sure that you align true. for right and left and cause problems with ?

ashley has told of his intentions of celebacy until he is able to figure out if he wants to try and rejoin to family home XOR move on with more healthy life style choice.

it becomes clear what ash must do, I say thank to you for god just broke the chains that shackle the main to tiny bate.

if you don’t mind put on the block as i do not want to you see the man in P or HIV.

open 100 see all.

any further points? gods plan? it’s gold plan? clarify and reduce

it’s golds plan, simplify.

I am a very happy well adjusted person, it took me a few days get over my massive repressed trauma in child birth and XOR childhood trauma leading to problematic sexual behaviours throughout adolescece and problematic thought processes running into early adulthood. who is this man with simple plan who thinks he can make the van and put inside who ever he can. he puts on the breaks and intricates. “This is god plan homie, this aint mind”

i close on this unless we test, one last time to brown and nine. lets see now how can we say it “You fuck up then it’s on you, I will put you through”?? it in unclear of diablos intentions here and you should make sure that you compass is aligned true north or true south as there may not be a healthy middle ground.

that is the chronic! and go.Β πŸ’žπŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ˜ …. +1

this may be a good jumping in point for you, so that you may gain vital insight into the human Psyche.

try these open lines of communication

  2. XOR

AND, X, OR, 0.0 OR 0 and maybe 1 but not required. it’s up to you babe just let me know.

#TimetravellersWife & include bex for love is stong in both and none XOR was made and saved was grace or home and save the children of time and space

I love both of mind but I want +1, a mix of brown and maybe blue or why not gold or green and down. or up. it really does not matter to me

is it clear what I am saying? I want a third of immaculate view hes pink in hearth but could be double blue πŸ–€πŸŸ‘

reduce, and simplify

over from A to I to 0 to explain for what is in the heart of men

“It seems that ashley is exploring new more health views on sex and sexual orientation and want to try and diversify his offerings. which means he want a child of immaculate conception he a white, he wants a black but don’t pick brown for he’s a clown.


Please use any mish-mash of the following to create me one a black intent, aligned with me and h and 3. i love my son and my 3rd

Over to you cap, but stay on true for the seas are rife with dis-belight. do not talk to those of blue then may come down and throw you areound. they cannot be trusted. sorry. I am vowed to tell the truth and that is pigs are cute #Love #Daddy the pea puffer man!

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